
VRoid Holiday Sweaters

Two very garish sweaters to liven up your Vroid avatar this holiday season. Whether you call them Christmas, Holiday, or just plain "ugly" sweaters they're sure to liven up your VR Chat or live stream this year - and best of all, they're 100% free! I designed these sweaters myself, and I just wanted to share the spirit of giving this year. In that vein, you are free to modify these textures, just please do not sell them. You may use them for commercial use. Credit is welcome but not required. Happy Holidays! Disclaimer: "Festive_Background.png" was A.I. generated and as such it is public domain. Please feel free to use it in any way you desire, do NOT credit me for it as it is not mine to claim. USE INSTRUCTIONS: In Vroid Studio, create a new item > Cardigan Sweater (or Hoodie), click on the texture > select "Import" and import one of the two textures.

VRoid Holiday Sweaters
VRoid Holiday Sweaters
Two very garish sweaters to liven up your Vroid avatar this holiday season. Whether you call them Christmas, Holiday, or just plain "ugly" sweaters they're sure to liven up your VR Chat or live stream this year - and best of all, they're 100% free! I designed these sweaters myself, and I just wanted to share the spirit of giving this year. In that vein, you are free to modify these textures, just please do not sell them. You may use them for commercial use. Credit is welcome but not required. Happy Holidays! Disclaimer: "Festive_Background.png" was A.I. generated and as such it is public domain. Please feel free to use it in any way you desire, do NOT credit me for it as it is not mine to claim. USE INSTRUCTIONS: In Vroid Studio, create a new item > Cardigan Sweater (or Hoodie), click on the texture > select "Import" and import one of the two textures.